Visítanos en la Feria Internacional de Climatización de IFEMA (Madrid)
The Seeley International team invites you to visit our stand (number 8A14 in Pavillion n°8) at the Climatizacion Expo, that starts on Feb 28! Visit us to see the latest products on offer in direct and indirect evaporative air conditioning and meet our friendly staff. We will be there alongside our distributors from Portugal and Spain: Austral Air, Coolair and Gontrair.
As part of the Flip the Switch initiative, John L. Sullivan Chevy, Roseville Toyota, and the Roseville Truck Center, the largest auto dealership in Northern California, launched their extensive $5.7 million clean-energy project. The project includes solar power, LED lighting, and the most energy-efficient indirect evaporative air conditioning - Climate Wizard

The Seeley International team in Europe presented at the seminar, organised in partnership with the University of Bologna (the oldest University in Europe), School of Industrial Engineering, on Thu Feb 23, 2017. The seminar's topic was - Evaporative Cooling technology: Direct, Indirect and Sub-Wet Bulb. It was great to see the topic raised a lot of interest amongst the participants, as it is not included in their standard curriculum.
There were researchers and students of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and some representatives of Italkero, the official Breezair distributor for Italy, attending the seminar.
We would like to express our thanks to Professor Enzo Zanchini and Claudia Naldi, Ph.D Research Fellow for arranging this great opportunity for us.
Por todo ello, el uso de climatizador evaporativo industrial Breezair se postula como una alternativa real, eficaz y adecuada, la cual garantiza que el entorno industrial en el que se utiliza promueva unas condiciones más favorables a los trabajadores para desempeñar su labor. Su máxima eficiencia energética, el mínimo coste de instalación y consumo y la postura con el medio ambiente (no emite gases contaminantes) hacen que se coloque por delante de todos los medios hasta ahora empleados para reducir las temperaturas.
En Australair Ecoclimatización somos expertos en climatización evaporativa industrial Breezair. Nos ponemos a su disposición para ofrecerle, sin compromiso, un presupuesto y proyecto a medida para solucionar sus problemas de calos en su nave industrial.
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